Week 3-Honesty & Business Ethics

This week started with the question Who am I, really? In my opinion, this question takes some radical honesty to really look at "who you are,really". I know I came to a place in life when this question came to the surface and it was time to discover what I truly wanted and believed. 

A question I found helpful was "How do my habits and behaviors affect my ethical decisions?" I have always had a habit of procrastinating and putting off the important things. I had a desire to achieve something, but it was the behavior of putting the important things on the back burner because I was afraid I couldn't do it good enough. The ethics decision was a view of not being reliable and dependable. Being honest with myself allowed me to see my flaws, be more aware, and continue to strive to be reliable.

Another habit I became aware of was hanging onto rejection. I truly dislike rejection and failure. Recently, I started to change my perspective of rejection. I started to understand what I was offering in life. Instead of internalizing the rejection, I asked questions. I then started to respect my own decisions more, and in return respect others too for where they were.

Onto the videos for the week. I loved Elder Lynnn G. Robbins talk about Making a living and a life. He pointed out that "Sin's are tempting to stop us from living. Competition & Comparisons appeal to the pride of men." Pride is essentially competitive in nature, a mindset that you are better and above the rest. I had not thought about pride in this aspect before, but it is completely accurate.

He also talked about the different motivations for having a job and making money and the order in which will build the most financial success. Here was the rating

A. Love of God & Fellowman; Having an Income

B. Money; Love of fellowman

C. Love of Money; Indiffent to clients

D. Filthy Lucre; Harmful to clients (Drugs and alcohol industry, sex, ect)

The top was to have a Love of God & Fellowman, with a second motivation of having an income. Helping others which creates an income. The last was making an income selling things that harm others.

Good lessons this week. Looking forward to next.


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